
All the little knick-nacks, doo-dads, and pretty much everything else that didn't apply to the main categories, is here. Don't pass this place over though, because it has some very interesting things.


Some Aiming and Combat Specifications

Secondary Talents, Skills, and other Goodies


Mortals cannot purchase Vampiric disciplines, for only Vampires gain those abilities. Instead, a mortal hunter can have Numina.

Numina consist of those strange and amazing powers which some few have possessed throughout the ages powers such as Psychic Abilities, Thaumaturgy and Faith. Below is a brief description of each of the 3 types of Numina that your Mortal can choose. To get the in-depth list of all the available choices for each numina click on its name.

Psychic Abilities are those strange abilities, such as telepathy and telekinesis, that have been studied haphazardly by para- psychologists.

Thaumaturgy is the ability to cast magical spells.

Faith is a powerful ability, reflecting one's religious connection to the universe.

During character creation, Numina can only be bought with Freebie points, and cannot be gained later in the Chronicle without the Storyteller's permission (often attached to some fantastic Story or Quest). During the Chronicle they can be increased in the ways described under each particular sort.