
Some hunters employ magical spells especially designed for use against Kindred. Many of these spells are unsophis- ficated compared to the highest levels of the art of magic, as they were mostly created by simple folk, who had no need of the vast education of most wizards. Education in olden times led one aslray from True, unquestioning faith.

This hedge magic differs greatly from true Thaumaturgy. If the Storyteller wishes, then the hunter can use Thaumamrgy as written in Vampire. However, this use of Thaumaturgy is generally confined to those who have spent their lives in study and contemplation. Few dedicated humans have this opportunity, and for most, their mystical abilities are limited to the following system.

Using a spell requires knowledge of certain occult abili- ties. The most important of these is Casting, for without a successful Casting, the other abilities of Duration, Extent and Ritual-- would never come into play. These can only be bought with Freebie Points as they are not talents, skills or knowledges, but a combination of all three.

They cost as much to buy and increase as do normal abilities (Two per level during character creation, 2 x current level to increase with experience).

Learning these skills during play costs three experience points; however, it would require Story- teller permission (and probably a special Story) for someone who has no sorcerous abilities to learn these skills.

Casting: A particular spell requires the character roll Cast- ing + her level with the spell against a difficulty of the spell's level + 4. All spells have an instant duration (though casting the spell requires one turn) and only affect the area directly around the caster.

Extend: In order to manipulate the spells for greater potency, the caster must use the other abilities. To extend its range requires a roll of Extend + (spell) while to increase its time requires Duration + (spell). Difficulty remains the spell's level + 4, while success varies based on the following tables.

Duration & Extend Success Chart

Duration Extend
One success Two turns 10-ft radius from caster
Two successes One scene Line of sight
Three successes 24 hours 100-ft radius from caster
Four successes One week One-mile radius from caster
Five successes One month Same city

Ritual: This is the last ability, which allows the character to cast Thaumaturgical rituals. Not only is Ritual the basis for the success roll, but a character cannot learn a ritual unless he has at least as many levels of Ritual as the Spell. Thus learning Splinter Servant (Level Four Ritual) requires at least four levels of Ritual. Note that without extensive study, no human can learn any ritual higher than level five.

Learning spells follows a similar pattern, but requires the character have a mental attribute to match the appropriate level of the spell. Thus there are Perception spells, Intelli- gence spoils and Wits spells. Note that without Storyteller permission, this method of spellcasting is not available to Vampires their minds lack the flexibility necessary to handle it.
Perception Spells:

Scent of the Vainpyre (Level One): This spell allows a character to sense when one of the Kindred is near. It will not pinpoint the location of the Vampire, but will let the character know one is around.

Escape the Undead Eyes (Level Two): Ghouls and Vampires trying to find the spellcaster when she hides have their difficulty increased by the number of successes made during the spell casting.

Voices of the Dead (Level Three): Allows the caster to communicate with the recently deceased. The caster must be in the presence of their body, and it must not have decomposed to the point that the vocal cords are useless (generally this takes a week-- less in hot weather, more if the body has been preserved).

Cloak of the Shadows (Level Four): When standing unmoving in darkness, the spellcaster remains effectively invisible to anyone looking for him. Note that other senses or Aura Perception can still detect him.

True Sight (Level Five): Allows the character to see through obscuring conditions like fog or dust and even to penetrate the Obfuscation of the Undead, though this requires a Perception + Alertness roll opposed by the Vampire's Wits + Stealth.

Intelligence Spells:

Gift of Psyche (Level One): With this spell, the caster can determine the mental state of the target -- frenzied, asleep, in torpor, drugged, medative, etc.

Return of Light (Level Two): For as long as the spell is in effect, the target will not be affected by one of her derangements.

Confess (Level Three): This spell can force whomever it is cast upon to tell the truth and causes its target to tell the truth in answer to any questions put to him. Once cast, the caster rolls his Charisma + Intimidate versus a difficulty of the ensorceiled person's Willpower. A botch means a lie was told, but the caster is unaware, and will take it for the Truth.

Grasp of the Mind (Level Four): The character's mind is shut off from the effects of outside Domination. Any attempt to control her mind has its number of successes decreased by the number of successes gained during spellcasting.

Heart of Evil (Level Five): With this spell, the caster can determine who is really behind the actions of the individual being studied. Thus this spell will reveal Domination, bribes, Blood Bonds or blackmail. It will not show simple alliances and friendships, however.

Wits Spells:

Bring to Body (Level One): With but a snap of the fingers, the character can awaken someone in the depths of slumber. Note that this will not work on a Vampire in torpor.

Light of the True Spirit (Level Two): The caster of this spell becomes infused with the purity of his cause, and thus more commanding. Add the number of successes to the total for any roll involving commands or leadership. This spell will not aid fast-talking or deception.

Soul of the Tree (Level Three): This spell is cast on a wooden stake. The number of successes made when casting is added to the number of successes used to hit a Vampire through the heart. Additionally, the ensorcelled stake seeks out the Vamphe's heart, no matter where it is.

Shield of the Thinker (Level Four): A character shielded by this spell is less affected by Vampiric Presence than are others. Every success on casting this spell reduces the Vampire's successes on the Presence roll. Note that this spell can also keep the character from being swayed by demagogues or the Faith of others.

Flash (Level Five): A burst of light fills the area around the caster, blinding those who can see and sending Vampires into frenzy. While it does not cause physical damage to the Kindred, they must make a Courage roll against a difficulty of 6 to not frenzy. Kindred and humans alike will be blinded for a number of turns equal to the number of successes in casting.