This skill is required to use a blowgun accurately,
though unskilled characters may use Dexterity + Strength
with a difficulty modifier of +3.
* Novice: Kid with peashooter
** Practiced: Class peashooter ace
*** Competent: Fool a clan neonate
**** Expert: Rainforest dweller
***** Master: Ninja
Possessed by: Kids, survivalists, ninja fans, professional
assassins, rainforest hunters
Specialties: Short (up to 20 feet), long (20 feet or more)
The Storyteller may decide whether this is a specialty
of the Melee skill or a new skill in its own right. The
character rolls Dexterity + Garrotte (difficulty of 6) to loop
the garrotte around a surprised or restrained victim's neck;
otherwise, the victim may roll Dexterity + Dodge (difficulty
of the attacker's Dexterity + Garrotte) to avoid the attack.
The garrotte does no damage on the first turn, but causes
damage automatically thereafter if the victim does not
break free by rolling Dexterity + Melee against the attacker's
Dexterity + Garrotte.
Because they do not need to breathe, Kindred do not suffer choking damage from a garrotte, though a successful attack means that the victim has been grappled and must either wound the attacker or roll Dexterity + Melee against the attacker's Dexterity + Oarrotte to break free. It is posible to decapitate a victim with a wire garrotte: This requires a roll of Strength + Garrotte against a difficulty of 8+ the victims's Fortitude, and may be attempted during any round where the garotte is still in place.
* Novice: Street punk
** Practiced: Unarmed combat instructor
*** Competent: Special forces
**** Expert: assassin
***** Master:Ninja or Thuggee
Possessed by: Assasins, ninja, special forces, street
Specialties: None
This is a hollow tube of about 1/2" diameter, which may
be anywhere from 1 - 6 feet long. It is used to fire darts, which
cause little damage in their own right but they may be coated
with drugs or poison.
Difficulty: 5
Minimum Strength: 2
Range: Strength x 5 yards
Damage: None (may use Poisions or Drugs)
Weight: 1/4 lb. per foot length
Cost: Free to $20, depending on size and where obtained
This is a strangling cord, about 2 feet ling and made of
any flexible substance from thin cord to electricle cable. Silk
scarves have often been used a garottes, and so, on occasion, has wire.
Wire is particularly unpleasant as it is thin
enough to break the skin of the victims neck, severing
blook vessles adn the windpipe if pulled hard.
Difficulty: 6
Damage: Strength + 2 (Strength + 4 for wire)
Weight: less than 1 pound.
Cost: Free to $5