Meet Mr. Push Me!


The links. I've searched for awhile and come across these. They're excellent resources by my opinion. Some here are also because of personal reasons as to a friend or just a good link.

White Wolf Games -Yeah you guessed this one had to be first. No doubt, the best idea is to check out the real thing. The makers of the World of Darkness games...

Ash Vryce's World of Darkness page -An excellent page. Ash is a friend of mine, and I found that he had some good information on Vampire:The Masquerade, and other small bits of info on other games as well. A must see....

Menohl's Hall of Sorrow -A damn good page....seriously. Another page that I learned a lot from, and the set-up is simple, plus it's very informative. A definite A+ site.

Patman's Pad -Yet another good site...with pieces of info missing from the other pages that you might be interested in.

B.J. Zanzibar's World of Darkness -An excellent site that isn't meant for information of the normal type. It's meant for ideas and concepts that people have come up with to work in the "World of Darkness" awesome site worth checking out.