Inspiration (Level One) — Other werewolves look to the Ahroun for leadership in combat. The Gift of inspiration is one reason. The Garou with this Gift lends new resolve and righteous anger to his brethren. This Gift is taught by a Lion- or Wolf-spirit. System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point. Comrades automatically receive one success on any Willpower rolls made during the scene. Note that this Gift does not affect its possessor.
Razor Claws (Level One) — The Garou may hone his claws to razor sharpness. This Gift is taught by a Cat- or Wolf-spirit. System: The Garou spends one Rage point and takes a turn to scratch his talons over a hard surface, such as a stone. Claw attacks then do an additional die of damage for the remainder of the scene.
The Falling Touch (Level One) — This Gift allows the Garou to send her foe sprawling with but a touch. This Gift is taught by any aerial spirit. System: The Garou rolls Dexterity + Medicine (difficulty of the opponent’s Stamina + Athletics). Even one success sends the victim to the ground.
Sense Silver (Level Two) — Ahroun are the Garou least concerned by humans, but even the greatest can be brought low by silver weapons. Thus, the Ahroun have learned to sense when they need to be worried. This Gift is taught by a Lune. System: The Garou rolls Perceptions + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). If successful, she can detect the presence of silver. Three successes allow her to pinpoint the silver’s location.
Spirit of the Fray (Level Two) — The Garou may opt to attack first in any given turn, no matter what his initiative roll may be. This Gift is taught by a Cat-spirit. System: There is no mandatory point cot or roll for this Gift, but Gnosis may be spent to ensure extra speed. If more than one Garou combatant has this Gift, the one who spends the most Gnosis goes first. If both (all?) spend the same amount, they take their first actions simultaneously.
True Fear (Level Two) — The Ahroun can display the true extent of her power, scaring one chosen foe into quiescence for a number of turns. This Gift is taught by a spirit associated with fear. System: The Garou rolls Strength + Intimidation (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). Each success she achieves cows the enemy for one turn; the victim cannot attack. He may defend himself and otherwise act normally (though he will be scared).
Heart of Fury (Level Three) — The Garou can steel himself against anger, suppressing his rage and creating a mental damn against the explosive frenzies of his race. This anger will eventually catch up with him, so e must vent it before it breaks free in frenzy. This Gift is taught by a Lion- or Wolf-spirit. System: The Garou rolls Willpower (difficulty of his own Rage (permanent, not temporary)). Every two successes add one to the Garou’s frenzy difficulties for the scene, making it harder to frenzy. After that scene, however, past slights and injuries are remembered, refilling the Garou’s heart and soul; he must spend on Willpower point or immediately make a frenzy check at regular difficulty.
Silver Claws (Level Three) — The Garou can turn her claws into silver, making her a terror against other Garou on the battlefield. This Gift is taught by a Lune. System: The Garou rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7). All claw wounds inflict aggravated damage, which cannot be soaked by Garou. While the Garou manifests the claws, she suffers searing agonies. Each turn, she gains an automatic Rage point; furthermore, all noncombat difficulties are increased by one because of the distraction. When her Rage points exceed her Willpower, she must check for frenzy.
Clenched Jaw (Level Four) — The Garou’s jaw can become a grip of steel, clamping down on a foe and not releasing it until the Garou chooses. This Gift is taught by a Wolf-spirit. System: After making a successful bite attack, the Garou, be spending a point of Rage, makes her grip unbreakable. For each successive turn she opts to maintain her grip, she makes a bite attack roll (difficulty 3). While foes can make a typical resisted strength roll to break the grip, the Garou may add half her Willpower to her Dice Pool.
Stoking Fury’s Furnace (Level Four) — The Garou is especially connected to his inner anger. He does not have more control than others, but is simply more familiar with using his Rage. This Gift is taught by a Wolverine-spirit. System: The Garou regains one Rage point if he takes a Health Level of damage that turn, and does not have to check for frenzy. In addition, the Garou can spend one Rage point per turn without losing that point. However, if more than one point is spent that turn, the point is lost normally.
Kiss of Helios (Level Five) — The Garou becomes immune to the damaging effects of fire, though artificial forms like napalm and gas fires can still harm him. Additionally, the Garou is able to ignite small parts of his body and keep them burning for extended periods. Most commonly the Garou light his mane during rituals, but he even also light claws, fangs, arms or whatever. These flames are approximately as intense as those of a torch. This Gift is taught by a fire elemental or Sun-spirit. System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point. Artificial fire (napalm, gas fires, etc.) does half damage. The effects last for one scene.
Strength of Will (Level Five) — Garou would follow an Ahroun with Strength of Will to the gates of Hell itself if that were what it took. Werewolves with this Gift inspire their comrades with their own forces of will. This Gift is taught by a Wolf-spirit or an Incarna avatar. System: The Garou spends a point of Willpower and rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty 8). Each success imbues a point of Willpower upon all the Garou’s allies within 100 feet; this extra Willpower lasts for the rest of the scene. These points are used like any other. They can raise the ally’s Willpower above its maximum or even above 10. This Gift may be used once only per scene.