Miscellaneous Weapons
This section includes weapons that don’t really fit into any other category quite well. This includes heavy military ordnance as well as explosive or exotic firearms.
- 105mm and 120mm Guns: These are tank mounted cannons. They fire armor-piercing solid shot or "shaped charges". They do not have a blast effect like other explosives. Only the target takes damage.
- AT-4 Rocket Launcher: This is a Swedish rocket launcher firing the 2.75" rocket. It is very similar the LAW rocket system.
- Flamethrower (Backpack): A catch-all heading for all fire projecting weapons. Made infamous in WWII, these weapons involve
a large backpack-style tank filled with napalm. These are a bane to many supernatural beings. Use the rules for Napalm
(Players’ Guide) when using these weapons. Word of advice, don't take a bullet in the tank.
- Franchi LTM: This is a unique grenade launcher that rests on the ground and fires much like a mortar. It has three grenades that fire at once, saturating the target area. Each grenade hits and does damage in a four hex area.
- GE M-214 Minigun: Typically a vehicle mounted weapon. It has six rotating barrels with
a cyclic rate of up to 1500 rounds per minute. With a little gunsmithing, this weapon can
be converted to a hand-held weapon. It would require a battery pack and a pack to carry
ammo (around 2,000 rounds or so). This would be massively bulky weapon for a mortal, but
a ghoul or other supernatural would be able to wield it. Examples of miniguns being used in
this manner can be seen in Predator and Terminator II.
- HK79 Under-barrel Grenade Launcher: This is the Heckler & Koch version of the U.S. M-203 grenade launching system. The HK79 attaches to the H&K G3 and G41 assualt rifles. Such equiped weapons are known as G3-TGS or G41-TGS respectively. It functions similar to the M-203.
- HK Granatpistole: German for Grenade Pistol, this is a small grenade launching system. It has a sling, folding stock, and ladder-sighting. It is single fire, single load.
- Large Mortar: An artillery weapon, these are used to do some real damage. A mortar barrage will level whole blocks of cities. They break down into three "portable" parts. They can fire from 600 yards to 2 miles away.
- LAW: Light anti-tank weapon. A U.S. military weapon with a sling. It is shoulder fired and one-shot only, unable to be reloaded. Its tube collapses when in storage, and thus is quite concealable considering what it is. Everything in four hexes takes damage as the rocket explodes.
- M18A1 Claymore Mine: The claymore is an anti-personnel device using a C4 charge to spray
metal balls in a 60 degree arc up to 250 metres. It has a kill zone (inflicting full damage)
of 50 metres, moderate casualty range (8 dice of damage) of 100 metres, and is dangerous (4 dice of damage)
out to 250 metres. Also a 60 degree arc from both sides of the mine are considered "dangerous"
out to 250 metres as well. This results in a 180 degree danger zone. Claymores have a
backblast area of 16 metres that inflicts 8 dice of damage. To quote the U.S. Army manual
about it, "No one should be in this area." The mine is a plastic box with adjustable
metal legs to stand it upon. It is detonated by an M57 plunger-style firing device, which
is reusable. The mine itself is destroyed in detonation.
- M-19 Grenade Launcher: An automatic tripod or vehicle mounted grenade launcher. It does damage as per grenade type. It can be loaded singlely, or belt fed.
- M-203 Under-barrel Grenade Launcher: The M-203 is a single-shot 40mm grenade launcher that mounts to the M-16 assault
rifle. It opens easily for reload once fired. It has its own trigger and safety system
separate from the M-16’s. It also has a range sight. The M-203 can also be mounted to a
special frame that allows it to be a singular weapon in its own right. The launcher can
also be mounted to the Steyr AUG assualt weapon.
- M-240 Flamethrower: This is not a real weapon. This is the handheld flamethrower seen in the film Aliens. It has
no backpack tank. Instead it has a fuel cylinder much like an ammo clip. It fires quick blasts of napalm (use napalm rules
for damage).
- M-72 Rocket Launcher: An American made rocket launcher comparable to the Russian RPG-7. Its launcher telescopes for easy in carry and concealment. It is not effective against modern tanks, but it is great against small vehicles, buildings, "hard points", etc.
- M-79 Grenade Launcher: This is a 40mm grenade launcher. It functions like a break-top shotgun. A large variety of rounds can be found for it (High-Explosive, Smoke, White Phosphorous, etc.).
- MGL: A South African multishot grenade launcher. It is designed along the lines of a Striker Automatic shotgun. It has a folding stock. When firing, it makes a distinctive "bloop" sound, thus it is often known as the "bloop" gun.
- Recoiless Rifle: A large mounted weapon designed for taking out structures and vehicles, not personel. Usually fired by a crew of 2 to 3.
- RPG-7: A Soviet rocket launcher that fires a 40mm oversized rocket. It can be fired and reloaded easily. The rockets can be exploded prematurely by erecting wire-mesh screens to intercept them.
- Rocket Launcher: Vehicle mounted artillery. They are found in clusters of 6 to 60 rockets.
- Small Howitzer: A crew fired artillery weapon. These are fired at targets miles away and aim adjusted by radio contact with a forward observer. When there is an observer, reduce the difficulty by one per shot (minimum of five). After a successful hit, further shots are at difficulty 5. These fire a 122mm artillery shell.
- Small Mortar: These weapons fire a shell in an arc at a target rather than the direct route like a gun. The range listing include minimum to maximum range. It cannot be fired indoors (at least, not without disasterous effects).
- Stinger SAM: A SAM is a surface-to-air missile. It fires through a portable shoulder-mounted tube. When it hits, it explodes and damages everything in a four hex area. It cannot be reloaded. It was this type of weapon that fell off of a military truck in America and was left on the side of the road.
- Taser: Weapons firing electrical shock probes. It is a pistol-like launcher with a battery pack. It uses CO2 to fire two probes which "ground out" on the target. Mortals heal within a day, vampires after one sleep, and werewolves heal like normal.
- TOW: A wire-guided missile designed to take out vehicles and tanks. It is always vehicle or tripod mounted. It does have a backblast.