Notes on Heavy and Miscellaneous Weapons
M-60 and Recoilless Rifle: These weapons are usually mounted on a tripod or vehicle and are typicially
fired by a crew of 2 - 3 persons.
Stinger SAM: This surface-to-air missle is fired from a man-portable shoulder-mounted tube. It is a one-shot weapon;
it cannot be reloaded. Upon impact, it explodes, damaging everything in a 4-hex radius area. The Stinger's statistics can also be
used for a wide variety of rocket-propelled grenades, shoulder-launched missles, and similar weapons.
Grenades: Unless noted otherwise, all grenades are assumed to cause an effect over a 3-hex radius area. Grenades have a low difficulty because
it is fairly easy to throw an area of effect weapon into the general vicinity of your target -- you don't have to be right on target to hit him, as you do with a gun.
Grenades fired from a grenade launcher (whether one that attaches to an assault rifle, such as the U.S. M-203, or a launcher that is a seperate weapon) have double the Range
listed on the table. Grenade-launching devices generally have a Concealment of N; some have their own clips and can carry and fire many grenades. Also, please note that for grenades
thrown by hand, the range may increase depending upon the strength of the thrower. As a rough rule of thumb, add 3 - 5 yards per dot of Strength about 2 that the thrower has.
Fragmentation Grenade: These grenades do Kill damage by spraying shrapnel in a wide area.
Concussion Grenade: These grenades do Stun damage with a combination of bright light, loud sound, and concussive force. Victims may be temporarily blinded of deafened.
Smoke: These grenades create a cloud of smoke in a three-hex radius. This smoke cuts off vision both into and out of the cloud.
Tear Gas: Tear gas is a chemical that causes the eyes to water profusely (producing, in effect, temporary blindness); it also makes the victim cough. As long as victims remain in the gas cloud without
some form of eye and breathing protection (e.g., a gas mask), they will be incapacitated, unable to do anything other than move and act blindly. Once they leave the cloud, the blindness will pass in 1 - 10 turns (Storyteller rolls randomly).
Gun Accessories
Characters may purchase the following devices to augment their firearms.
Flash Suppressor: A device mounted on the front of the barrel of a rifle or assault rifle to hide the muzzle flash.
Laser Sight: A small device mounted on top of or beneath the barrel of a gun that emits a red laser beam, thus showing the shooter where he is aiming. The beam will work for about 50 yards before dispersing so much that it becomes useless. It will not work
well in smoke, fog, or similar conditions. And don't forget: it also allows your enemies to see where you are firing from. However, there are infrared or ultraviolet lasers available that can only be seen with special optical devices.
Recoil Compensator: A device mounted on the front barrel of a gun to reduce the recoil. This reduces the penalty for taking multiple shots by one; it does not affect the difficulty penalty for firing in three-round bursts or full-auto. However, by lengthening the barrel of the gun,
it makes it more difficult to conceal. A recoil compensator may not be used in conjunction with a silencer.
Scope: An optical sighting device, typically used on rifles (especially sniper rifles). It adds +2 dice to the shooter's Dice Pool for purposes of aiming (see "Firefight Complications" in the various rulebooks).
Silencer: More accurately referred to as a sound-suppressor, this device is mounted on the front of a gun barrel to trap the gases emitted when a gun is fired, thereby greatly reducing the sound caused by a shot. Just about any gun can be silenced, but the bigger the gun, the bigger the silencer
(thus making it more difficult to conceal). If a character is trying to perceive a silenced gun, increase the difficulty of the roll by 4.