1 - Time Sense
The vampire gains an automatic and perfect sense of time, and can sense any sort of time disturbances, such as uses of Temporis, the Time sphere, the Pandemonium arcanos, etc.
2 - Ramble On
Roll: Man. + Empathy, difficulty Willpower
The vampire may put a victim into an endless loop, in which the victim will repeat whatever she was doing at the time the vampire used this power. If the victim is put into an obviously dangerous situation, she may roll Perception + Alertness, difficulty 6, to escape this state. Otherwise, this power lasts for the following time periods:
1 suc. one turn.
2 suc. one minute.
3 suc. ten minutes.
4 suc. one hour.
5 suc. one day.
3 - Zombie’s Curse
Roll: Cha. + Intimidation, difficulty Willpower
The vampire may put a victim into a state where she perceives the world as moving twice as fast, and she is moving at half-speed. In combat, most of the victim’s Melee and Brawl attack rolls are increased in difficulty by two, and do half their normal damage. This power lasts for the following time periods:
1 suc. one turn.
2 suc. one minute.
3 suc. ten minutes.
4 suc. one hour.
5 suc. one day.
4 - Cowalker
By spending a willpower point, the vampire may remove herself from the flow of time, move around in any fashion she sees fit, and step back into the flow of time. She may not affect objects that she did not remove from the time stream with her (is is assumed that her clothing, and all items on her immediate person, leave the time stream with her).
5 - Frozen Object
Roll: Dex. + Occult, difficulty 6
The vampire may temporarily remove an inanimate object (that is not touching an animate being) from the time stream. If the object is moving rapidly, she must also make a Wits + Alertness roll to affect it. Objects stopped in this way lose no energy. The vampire may allow an object to reenter time at will; otherwise, an object will reenter the time stream of its own accord after the following time periods:
1 suc. one turn.
2 suc. one minute.
3 suc. ten minutes.
4 suc. one hour.
5 suc. one day.
6 - Control Aging
Roll: Sta. + Occult, difficulty Willpower
The vampire may age a target, or reverse the aging of a target. This effect can not be used on the same target more than once per scene. The age of the target changes by ten years per success (in either direction), or as follows:
1 suc. one year.
2 suc. five years.
3 suc. ten years.
4 suc. fifty years.
5 suc. one hundred years.
The difficulty to use this power is 6 if the victim is willing, or inanimate.
7 - Domain of Evernight
Roll: Per. + Alertness, difficulty 7
The vampire can dilate time, with respect to a given area. One hour may be affected for each dot she has in Willpower. The extent of the dilation is as follows:
1 suc. one hour passes in ten minutes.
2 suc. one hour passes in five minutes.
3 suc. one hour passes in one minute.
4 suc. one hour passes in thirty seconds.
5 suc. one hour passes in ten seconds.
7 - Outside the Hourglass
Roll: Sta. + Occult, difficulty 8
The vampire can step out of time. Each success represents one turn that the vampire may spend out of the time stream. In this state, the vampire can move any objects manually. Any effects created by the vampire, including explosions, attacks, etc, can be created, but will only take effect once she has reentered the time stream.
8 - Rewind Time
Roll: Str. + Alertness, difficulty 8
The vampire may turn back time, and rewrite her own actions. After the vampire has rewound time, she will be in the place where she initiated the effect, and all other things will be as they were in the time to which she rewound. She will know what happened before she rewound time, and she may act differently. Others will act in the exact same fashion as they did before, unless they are persuaded to behave differently. The maximum amount of time that can be rewound is as follows:
1 suc. one turn.
2 suc. one minute.
3 suc. ten minutes.
4 suc. one hour.
5 suc. one day.
8 - Pocket out of Time
Roll: Man. + Security, difficulty 7
The vampire may remove an entire area, with a radius of up to ten feet per success, from the time stream. Those inside this area see the outside area in stasis, and cannot leave for the entire duration of this effect. This effect can be ended at will, and ends if the vampire is destroyed.
9 - Summon History
Roll: Man. + Occult, difficulty 7
The vampire may try to bring a period of time to the present. She must focus on time; she may not name an event. Those inside this area can not interact with those in the present unless they have Time Sense. (Such interactions might prove hazardous.) The largest gap in time that may be passed this way is as follows:
1 suc. one year.
2 suc. 100 years.
3 suc. 500 years.
4 suc. 1000 years.
5 suc. 5000 years.