1 - Fey’s Sight
Roll: Per. + Occult, difficulty 9
The vampire may see things that, normally, can only be seen by faeries. She may also see spirits, and see though faerie glamour. No roll is required unless she is trying to find a specific spirit.
2 - Darkling Trickery
Roll: Man. + Occult, difficulty 7
The vampire may create all sorts of effects that are normally associated with faeries. Possible effects can include, but are not limited to, the following:
A scream loud enough to deafen those nearby.
A victim slips, and falls on her ass.
A victim’s hair falling out.
Cows being made to give blue milk.
Rocks falling from the sky like rain.
Blighted crops.
Simple machines going haywire.
All cantrips created by this power should be in the spirit of pranks; while they may be annoying, and they may certainly be malevolent, they should not be more than a little dangerous.
3 - Goblinism
Roll: Cha. + Leadership, difficulty variable
The vampire has an intuitive direction sense underground. No roll is required for this power. She may also summon goblins to help her warp and reshape stone; the difficulty varies according to the location of the vampire, as follows:
dif. 6 The vampire is underground.
dif. 8 The vampire is on the street.
dif. 10 The vampire is atop a skyscraper.
Note that these goblins will usually be inclined to help her, but are under no obligation to do so. One comes per success on the above roll.
4 - Faerie Wards
Roll: Dex. + Security, difficulty 7
The vampire may place faerie glyphs on an object that protect the area around them, by increasing the difficulties of all rolls of Mental Attributes by any intruders by one. Intruders will also become lost unless they can make a roll of Intelligence + Investigation, difficulty 8. The glyphs last, and retain their effects, for the following time periods:
1 suc. one hour.
2 suc. one night.
3 suc. one week.
4 suc. one month.
5 suc. one year.
The difficulty to ward a sentient victim is the victim’s Willpower + 2. This victim, and those around her, will suffer continuously as above for the entire time she is warded.
5 - Riddle Fantastique
Roll: Man. + Mythlore, difficulty Willpower
The vampire may ask a victim a riddle. The victim must then try to solve it, to the exclusion of all other pursuits, making one roll of Wits + Mythlore (difficulty 10, minus one for each derangement the victim has) per hour, until they have accumulated five times as many successes as has the vampire. In the event of a botch, one level of damage is inflicted, and one success is lost for each uncancelled one. The vampire may end the effect at any time, by giving away the answer, but no one else can -- not even another vampire who has this power.
6 - Stone Travel
Roll: Str. + Athletics, difficulty 6
The vampire can tunnel underground, at one MPH per success. Others may use this tunnel, but it is easily collapsed, and the vampire may collapse any part of the tunnel at will.
7 - Earth Sword
Roll: Wits + Melee, difficulty 6
Resist: Wits + Dodge, difficulty 6
By spending a willpower point, the vampire may cause spikes to shoot at a target from any large structure; these spikes are made of the same material from which they shoot. Three dice of damage are inflicted for each success. To impale a specific body part requires five successes.
8 - Basilisk’s Touch
Resist: Willpower, difficulty 8
Demand: successes = 3 or more
By spending two willpower points, the vampire can turn a victim into stone at a touch. This may only be reversed by the vampire, or by powerful rituals.