This Path of Phobos is the Path of Fear. This Dark Path allows Infernalists to manipulate the fears of their victims as a weapon. Almost everyone has fears, but there are a rare few who have conquered them and are unaffected by this power. Those with Faith are likewise unaffected by the powers of this Path.
Level 1 - Induce Fear
The Infernalist with this power causes a victim to feel as if she is being watched and stalked.
System: The Infernalist can use this power on any target he can see. It requires a Manipulation + Empathy roll (cliff culty of the target's Courage or Morale + 3). The victim must make a Courage or Morale roll (difficulty 5 + the number of successes the Infernalist rolled) to take any action against him.
Level 2 - Spook
Using this power, the Infernalist causes her victims to feel an overwhelming sense of dread. They feel something terrible is about to happen to them unless they get away quickly.
System: Mortal victims must make a successful Courage or Morale roll (difficulty 7) to keep from running away. Vampire victims must do the same but, if they fail their roll, they suffer Rotschreck.
Level 3 - Terrorize
This power lets the Infernalist draw a fear from the victim's mind and present it to him. The victim will see or feel whatever it is he fears the most. If he fears snakes, he sees big, slimy snakes slithering around a corner just ahead of him and constantly hears rattlesnakes behind him. To the victim, the effects seem completely real, though they are illusions.
System: The vampire must roll Perception + Intimidation (difficulty of the target's Self Control + 3 ) to see how long the affects last; it will also end if the vampire cannot see the victim.
1 Success One Turn
2 Successes 5 Minutes
3 Successes 30 Minutes
4 Successes 1 Hour
5 Successes 1 Night
The Storyteller will then require Courage rolls (generally against a difficulty of 6 or 7) to allow the character to make any action.
Level 4 - Immersion
This power allows the Infernalist to call on the victim's most deep rooted fear and force her to deal with it, face to face. The power functions similar to Terrorize, but rather than placing signs of the fear all around the victim, the victim is immersed in the source of the fear. A person afraid of snakes becomes wrapped up to her neck in pythons.
System: This power works like Terrorize, but the victim must make her Courage rolls against a difficulty of 8, and the effect lasts even when the vampire cannot see the victim.
Level 5 - Leech of Fear
This power allows the Infernalist to temporarily feed on fear as though it were blood. Many Infernalist claim this experience is infinitely preferable to the Kiss.
System: As long as the Infernalist maintains this power, he gains Blood Points from the fear of others. Every time someone he can see fails a Courage or Willpower roll, the character gains one point of vitae. Note that the other powers on this path will not contribute to this feeding. A Manipulation + Empathy roll (difficulty 8) determines how long this power will last:
1 Success One Turn
2 Successes Three Turns
3 Successes Five Minutes
4 Successes 30 Mins
5 Successes 1 Hour
Path of Secret Knowledge
Some Infernalist consider this the most powerful and difficult of Dark Thaumaturgical Paths. Storytellers may wish to leave this Path out of the game if they feel it will be too disruptive. This Path allows the practitioner to glimpse knowledge and secrets he should not be privy to.
Level 1 - Whispers
The Infernalist with this power can spontaneously sum mon common knowledge on an individual from the back of her own mind, even if she has never met that individual before. This information includes name, occupation, age, interests, where he lives, and if he has any family. It takes almost no time for the vampire to discover this information.
System: The vampire must make eye contact with the person, and the victim can be no more than five feet away. It requires the Infernalist make a Perception + Empathy roll (difficulty of the target's Willpower). This power does not work on any supernatural beings, including ghouls.
Level 2 - Secrets in the Dark
Very similar to Whispers, this power allows the Infernalist to gather a little more knowledge about the victim, including names of family members, their phone numbers, where they work, and what they enjoy and hate doing.
System: This power also requires a Perception + Empathy roll (difficulty of the target's Willpower + 1), but allows the Infernalist to take information from supernatural creatures. It will not reveal deeply held secrets, such as the fact that someone who follows the Masquerade is a vampire.
Level 3 - The Hidden
This power grants the Infernalist very private information about an individual. She will know one minor secret the individual is trying to hide from everyone. She will know the name of one person the individual claims to like, but actually dislikes. She will know the name of the last person he was intimate with. She can also learn the individual's strongest desire.
System: This power also requires a Perception + Empa thy roll (difficulty of the target's Willpower + 2), but it takes an entire turn.
Level 4 - Dark Prophecy
The Infernalist can tell the future, but these prophecies always focus on the darkest possibilities. Information gleaned is cryptic at best, and it is certainly possible that the future will change.
System: The Infernalist rolls Wits + Investigation (difficulty 8). The resulting information should always be mysterious, but the Storyteller can make it clearer with more successes. One success will give the Infernalist a vision that will be next to incomprehensible.
Level 5 - Unlock the Heart of Mystery
The Infernalist with this power holds a tremendous weapon. With it, he can uncover any knowledge lost to the world. The locations of hidden treasures, the secret names of demons, or the hiding places of powerful beings all become apparent.
System: This power requires a Perception roll (difficulty set by the Storyteller, but usually at least 9) and will only uncover those mysteries known by no mortals or vampires.
Path of Torture
The Path of Torture is just what its name implies. This Path concerns pain and only pain. Many who practice this Path also practice the Chains of Pleasure. Infernalist with these powers are the most ruthless executioners and torturers.
Level 1 - Hurt
The Infernalist causes pain in a mortal through skin contact. The effects lasts as long as the vampire maintains contact with the victim. This pain is terribly strong and sometimes used during interrogations. The vampire has the option of specifying the exact nature of the pain sharp,, piercing pain; extreme nausea; tickling; muscle cramps; etc. and whether it will affect the victim's entire body or just a particular part.
System: After touching the victim, the Infernalist rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty 6) while the target rolls Stamina + Courage (difficulty 6). Every extra success the Infernalist rolls causes the target to lose that many dice from any pools and to suffer extreme pain.
Level 2 - Hunger
This power allows the Infernalist to cause pain in vampires. Contact must be made with the victim for this power to function, and the victim feels as if she is starving, having almost no blood in her body. She will double over due to the sharp pains.
System: This power works in the same way as Hurt, except that most Sabbat resist with Morale instead of cour age.
Level 3 - Torment
This power affects both mortals and supernatural beings equally. The Infernalist causes tremendous pain in the vic tim, eventually causing mortals to pass out and Kindred to enter torpor.
System: The Infernalist makes skin contact and rolls Strength + Torture (difficulty 6). Victims resist with Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 6). Mortals beaten by this roll pass out, and vampires enter a form or torpor. The length of this unconsciousness is based on the number of additional successes the thaumaturgist rolled:
1 Success One Turn
2 Successes Five Minutes
3 Successes Thirty Minutes
4 Successes One Hour
5 Successes One Night
Level 4 - Agony
This is the same as Torment, but victims feels great pain throughout the period of unconsciousness. They writhe on the floor, eyes closed and a scream frozen on their lips.
System: This follows the same system as Torment, but the victim also suffers damage equal to the number of extra successes the Infernalist rolled. This damage can be soaked.
Level 5 - Pangs of Hell
Far worse than Agony, the Pangs of Hell can kill mortals and send vampires into torpor for years. The thaumaturgist actually taps into the depths of Hades to cause this pain. Often only death or destruction can end the pain these sufferers feel.
System: The Infernalist touches the target and rolls Intelligence + Demon Lore (difficulty 6), and the victim resists with a Humanity or Path of Enlightenment roll (diffi culty 6). Every additional success the Infernalist rolls causes the victim to be incapacitated by pain for one turn and take an aggravated level of damage.