Yeah...I'm sentimental and I need to give credit to the people, places, and things that helped to make this page sue me.
First off, serious credit goes to my main man Ed aka Phyrexian. The man that got me started and taught me the serious stuff. Thanks
for putting up with every question and comment I had throughout the process, whether valid...or ass-backwards. Thanks my
sensei....never going to disrespect the roleplay.....
Second, credit goes to my bud Ash Vryce, who provided me with other info, plus certain graphics for my page. Ash has a really good page
on World of Darkness which will include some of the basics and other things I didn't cover, so go to the LINKS section on my main page, and
there will be a link to his page there.
Third, credit goes to Menohl of Menohl's Hall of Sorrows page. I ended up with lots of information I was missing, lots of ideas, and other
tidbits I needed....including parts of certain charts which I admit he did so damn well, I had to have them too....(laughs). Thanks. His page
is by far one of the best on the net for Vampire: The Masquerade, and you'd be a moron not to check it out for that type of thing. His page
is also in my LINKS section.
Fourth, credit goes to my "sis" Andi (Ed's fiancee) who happened to grace me with her womanly expertise of picking out a good color scheme for this
rathole. Thanks again hun, appreciate it.
Fifth, have to give credit to White Wolf itself (why not??) for making an excellent system of roleplay. Seriously more easier to understand and
I don't need a shitload of dice. Thanks.
Last but not least, credit goes to everyone else who answered any questions of mine, provided any info, or just roleplayed with me (the good ones).
Wouldn't be here without it...