
Light Pistols

Note: In the United States, gun control laws have severely restricted the ammunition capacity of small arms in civilian use. All magazines manufactured in or imported to the U.S. can hold no more than ten rounds. The clips sold before this ban are legal, but getting them is very costly. In other countries the magazines are still full-capacity. That is why many U.S. gun catalogs do not match the capacity for rounds listed here. However, with a little skill (a.k.a. Gunsmithing) the current clips could (in theory) be modified to hold their full allotment. This would be highly illegal. Law enforcement officials are still allowed to purchase the full capacity magazines.

Heavy Pistols

The "Big" Boys

Single-Shot Pistols

Most single-shot pistols are break-tops or bolt action pistols that chamber rifle cartridges. Assume all rounds to do a standard of 7 DMG. If a cartridge is especially nasty, then the damage may be increased.